To Report Child Abuse

  • ​San Bernardino County residents can dial 2-1-1 to anonymously report if they suspect a child is being abused.
  • Child Abuse Hotline for San Bernardino County is 1 (800) 827-8724
  • Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotlines: CPS Hotlines for all 58 counties in California. Information on how to report child abuse or make complaints.
  • Adult Protective Services (APS): Each county has an APS agency to help elder adults (65 years and older) and dependent adults (18-64 who are disabled) when they are unable to meet their own needs, or are victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Contact your County HOTLINE.
  • California Family and Domestic Violence Referral Directory: This publication lists county-specific resources for family and domestic violence: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Programs, Counseling Services for Victims, Counseling Services for Batterers, Victim Services, Legal Services, District Attorney, Victim/Witness, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, and Elder Abuse.
  • Child Welfare Services Complaints: The Children & Family Services Division is responsible for providing statewide oversight of county Child Welfare Services (CWS) programs. If you suspect that a child's health or safety is jeopardized due to abuse or neglect by parents or other caretaker who has custody of the child, contact the appropriate Emergency Response Hotline Number For County Child Protective Services to report the details.
  • Child Abuse Prevention Services: The Office of Child Abuse Prevention funds and coordinates local services that help strengthen and preserve families; develops and distributes information to individuals and organizations; and administers state and federal grants and the State Children's Trust Fund.
  • Child Protective Services: CPS is the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California. Existing law provides for services to abused and neglected children and their families, with the goal of keeping the child in his/her own home when it is safe, and when the child is at risk, to develop an alternate plan as quickly as possible.
  • The Social Security Administration (SSA), Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Fraud Hotline provides an avenue for reporting fraud, waste, and abuse within SSA's programs and operations.


To Report Child Abuse