How to Become a Foster Parent/Approved Resource Family -​​

To learn more on how to become a foster parent/Resource Family in San Bernardino County, please go to:

To speak to a social worker please e-mail: or call us at 1-800-722-4477

For more details about Resource Family Approval (RFA) click on brochure below:

 RFA brochure.pdfRFA brochure.pdf

What is Foster Care?

Foster Care is the temporary placement of a child in a home outside of his or her family which is required for the safety and well-being of the child. Children are placed in foster care until their parents or caregivers are able to provide a safe environment for them or until a permanent placement such as adoption or guardianship becomes available. Social workers visit the foster home on a regular basis to support the children's needs. Foster parents receive financial assistance to support the child(ren) placed in their homes.
CFS provides information, training, and support to those interested in becoming foster or adoptive parents.  Orientation and training schedules are flexible to accommodate working parents, and are culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of families. Staff are available to assist you through the process of becoming a foster or adoptive parent.​

The Approval Process

Attending a Foster and Adoptive Parent Orientation is the first step to becoming an approved Resource Family. This orientation is called "Taking Care of Business Day" (TCBD).  You will receive information about the requirements and have social work staff available to answer questions.  Initial paperwork to begin the process will be available and staff will be available to assist you in completing it.
The TCBD workshop provides detailed information about the regulations for becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The TCBD provides detailed information about the regulations for becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The TCBD workshop provides detailed information about the regulations for becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The TCBD provides detailed information about the regulations for becoming a foster or adoptive parent.
During the approval process, a social worker is assigned to assist you with the process; one is a process, two social workers are assigned to assist you with the process; one is a Permanency Assessment Worker and the other a Homeorker and the other a Home Environment Worker.  They will make an appointment to visit your home to evaluate safety and appropriateness and discuss other concerns or issues either of you may have.
The Permanency Assessment Worker will visit your home and gather detailed information about you, your family structure, and your relationships, among other things. visit your home and gather detailed information about you, your family structure, and your relationships, among other things. Once all of the information is gathered from both the Permanency Assessment Worker and the Home Environment Worker, it is reviewed for approval. Once you are approved as a Resource Family you are able to receive foster children and will receive calls when there are children in need of a home.
An annual review will be conducted at your home which may take 1-2 hours. However, you are encouraged to contact your worker anytime you have questions or concerns.  