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Director's Statement

Thank you for taking time to learn more about how San Bernardino County Preschool Services can make a difference in the life of your child and family. We look forward to being a part of your child's journey even before they have taken their first steps. Our programs serve families with children from the ages of 0 to 5.

Through our programs including Federal Head Start, Early Head Start, Early Head Start - Child Care Partnership and State Preschool programs throughout San Bernardino County, we are able to collaborate with a number of community partners to ensure that the children in our county have the best possible foundation for their future.

We are committed to ensuring every child has a Head Start. Our free services are available to qualifying families from low-income backgrounds. Our students include children in foster care, children with special needs, and those who are homeless. Along with school readiness, children in our program benefit from health, nutritional, dental and other services to support child wellness. These services strengthen a child's capability to participate successfully in school.

Research shows that during their school years and beyond, children who attend quality preschool:

  • Are less likely to be placed in special education or held back a grade
  • Exhibit more positive classroom behaviors and perform better on standardized math and reading tests
  • Are more likely to graduate from high school and continue their education
  • Earn more money and are less likely to rely on public assistance
  • Are less likely to become involved in crime

Our staff is with you on this journey to support you and encourage you in any way that we can. Family and community are the most important influences in a child's life. By strengthening a family, we improve a child's life. This includes ensuring that fathers are also engaged in their child's education. We have resources available to support fathers in becoming more engaged in their children's education. Children benefit from the love, support and guidance of both parents.

Through county and community collaborations, we also empower families by providing parents with access to services and resources such as a free Online High School Diploma Program, employment training, and job placement services. Additionally, emergency or crisis assistance is provided for families in the areas of food, housing, clothing, and transportation. We aim to remove any barriers that the family has as they support their child in transitioning on to kindergarten. To remove some of these barriers, we offer participation in counseling and/or information on issues that place families at risk, such as substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, and domestic violence.

Jacquelyn Greene

Mission Statement
"To Improve the Well-Being of Children, Empower Families, and Strengthen Communities."
Vision Statement
Our children will excel in whatever setting they go to next. Our families’ quality of life is measurably better after participating in our programs. Our efforts increase the quantity and quality of sustainable resources and services countywide.