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Benefits Fact Sheets
What it is, problems, exposure, conditions, compensation, and more information.
A brief listing of who may have been exposed when and where, other than those in-country Viet Nam.
Tables of benefits based on the Character of Service.......
Benefits Delivery at Discharge If you are separating from active duty within the next 60 to 180 days, BDD can help you receive VA disability benefits sooner.
- Burial Benefits
What it is, who is eligible, how much does it pay, how to apply, and other related benefits.
- California College Fee Waiver Program
Three plans for dependents of deceased or disabled California Veterans!.....
- CHAMPVA For Life (CFL)
CHAMPVA For Life (CFL) is not separate from CHAMPVA, its simply an extension of benefits to certain individuals over age 65.
- Chronic Fatigue & Related Pain Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) also called Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) is a complex of possibly related symptoms that may have several causes....
- Concurrent Receipt and Combat-Related Special Compensation
“Concurrent Receipt” means receiving military retirement benefits and VA disability compensation at the same time without one offsetting the other. Before 2004 concurrent receipt was forbidden by law. In 2005 the law was changed and the CRDP and CRSC programs were created.
- Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
- Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a monthly check paid to eligible survivors of certain deceased veterans.
- Disability Compensation
- Description, eligibility, how to apply, and other related benefits.
- Disability and Death Pension
- Disability Pension is a benefit paid to wartime veterans with limited income who are no longer able to work. ......
- Duty to Assist & Nexus Statement
- The new law requires that the VA obtain any records in the VA's possession, or within any other Federal agency. The law also mandates the VA tell the claimant what evidence is needed to support their claim. The VA now must make several efforts to obtain any evidence identified by the claimant....
- Filipino Veterans
- Citizens of the Republic of the Philippines who serve today or in the past in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for VA benefits under the same criteria as other U.S. military veterans. ....
- Former POW
- Former American POWs are eligible for special veterans’ benefits, including medical care in VA hospitals, and disability compensation for injuries and disease presumed to be caused by internment. These benefits are in addition to regular benefits and services to which they, as veterans, are entitled.........
- Gulf War Syndrome and Presumptive Illnesses
- Description of Gulf War Syndrome, its causes and who was exposed.
- Hepatitis
- Military-related hepatitis risk factors.
- Incarcerated Veterans
- VA can pay certain benefits to veterans who are incarcerated in a Federal, state or local penal institution. However, the amount we can pay depends on the type of benefit and reason for incarceration.......
- Information for Veterans About Health Care
- Many Veterans have questions about the new health care reform law. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) offers the information in this fact sheet about the law and its impact on Veterans.
- Military Funeral Honors
- Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the Nation’s deep gratitude to those who have faithfully defended our country in times of war and peace. It is the final demonstration that a grateful Nation can provide to the veterans’ families.....
- Millennium Bill
- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) now has the authority to pay for emergency care in non-VA facilities for eligible veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system. The program is retroactive for eligible veterans who have been treated since May 29, 2000. .....
- Post 9-11 Veterans Education Assistance Act
- The Post- 9/11 GI Bill is a new benefit providing educational assistance to individuals who have served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001.
- What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Vet Centers, Medical Center Programs, National PTSD Center, and how to get more information........
- Reinlistment Codes
- Examples of reinlistment codes and how to upgrade yours.
- Soft Tissue Sarcomas
- The term Soft Tissue Sarcoma describes a group of approximately 25 rare types of tumors that are found in body tissues such as muscle, fat, blood vessels, organ linings, lymph and connective tissues. This is a list of the tumors approved for presumptive service connection and those that are excluded from presumptive service connection.
- Spina Bifida and Birth Defects in Children of Vietnam
- There are three basic eligibility requirements:
- The parent(s) of a spina bifida child-claimant must have performed active military, naval, or air service in the Republic of Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975.......
- Signs and symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury.
- The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act
- Financial and legal considerations for those called to active duty.
- Tricare for Life
- The most sweeping improvements to the Department of Defense's healthcare system in nearly 30 years began October 1, 2001. You will gain access to expanded medical coverage known as TRICARE For Life, as long as you are a uniformed services beneficiary who is Medicare-eligible, and have purchased Medicare Part B......
- Traumatic injury protection under servicemembers’ group life insurance.
- Veterans Day
- In 1921, an unknown World War I American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. This site, on a hillside overlooking the Potomac River and the city of Washington, became the focal point of reverence for America's veterans....
- Veterans Home of California at Barstow
- An overview of the Veterans Home of California at Barstow.
- What every VA Customer Should Know
- A description of what we do, what we can help you with and how we do it.
- Who is a Veteran
- A veteran is defined as a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable......
The information presented herein about veterans' programs is in summary form, and is believed to be current and accurate at the time of publication. However, the programs are governed by federal and state laws, and in the event of any conflict between these laws and the information presented herein, the provisions of these laws must control or prevail. |
